Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Quick Update

Hey guys so fortunately my laptop has been repaired quicker than expected and I'm now back into the gaming world! A lot has happened over the past two weeks such as E3, the release of 'The Last of Us' and much more so it was a shame to not be on my blog. Anyway with some time to think I've decided to make some changes to my blog and hopefully draw in more readers! Check it out...

So first off my current blog 'A Video Gaming World' will remain intact and will serve the exact same purpose it does right now; following gaming news. This blog will analyze trailers, reveal gaming opinions, and really anything newsworthy that goes on in the industry.

Second I will be adding my 'Game Review' blog which, yep you guessed it, will be my area to post reviews on various games. Also what really excites about this new blog, since I only have an Xbox 360 I hope that all you PS3 and PC gamers will create guides for your exclusive games, submit them to me (so we can team up) and I can either make you an authorized contributor or post the review on your behalf. That way more gamers can be included!

Lastly I will add one more blog titled 'Gaming Guides' or 'Gaming Guides for Giggles' which will be my blog for posting textual and visual guides for numerous games as well as their achievements/trophies. Now this is another reader friendly section because I really want my readers to suggest games and/or achievements that they want me to make guides for!

So there we have it! 2 new blogs for more versatility and better quality. Let's get to work!

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